1.   For a finitely generated moduleE over the Noetherian ringR we consider formulas for the Krull dimension of the symmetric algebraS(E).

2.   Problems of testing program systems modeled by deterministic finite automata are considered.

3.   This paper considers an SEIS epidemic model with infectious force in the latent period and a general population-size dependent contact rate.

4.   Variation of fluid properties with temperature has been considered.

5.   The effects of radiative transfer and variable properties have been separately and systematically considered.

6.   The measurement of small dielectric losses using a cylindrical H 01p cavity resonator is considered.

7.   In this paper I consider the motion of a single sheet in an equilibrium ensemble.

8.   Conclusions: Zopiclone and temazepam can be considered as effective hypnotics in elderly subjects when administered in that dosage.

9.   ELM also considers the effect of flushing rate within an estuary.

10.   A method for the simplified calculation of the corresponding limit distribution is considered.

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