61.   In all the problems considered it is necessary to make allowance for the high compliance of the composites in the transverse direction.

62.   In this paper the left ventricle of the heart was considered as a shell of varying thickness.

63.   Although it is common knowledge that the presence of NTM should be considered in smear-positive patients, this apparently is a diagnostic pitfall in clinical practice.

64.   Antenatal screening should be considered an effective tool for diagnosis, treatment and prevention of further transmission of STIs.

65.   Since an RA fiber generates one, two or no spikes in each cycle of the stimulus, the fiber's activity was considered to exist in one of these three possible states.

66.   In an investigation of the etiology of 21 consecutive cases of active chronic hepatitis presenting for the first time in the last 12 months, 14 were considered to be drug-induced.

67.   However, if the patient is not pleased with the first band, a different bariatric operation should be considered.

68.   These findings should be considered in diagnosis and therapy of SCLC to allow early and appropriate reaction to non-SCLC components.

69.   Some of the features that turned out to be of interest in the present study had not previously been considered in earlier supraordinal studies.

70.   Seventy-three patients were considered to have active endocarditis (AE) (positive blood or tissue cultures and/or annular abscesses).

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