21.   Most respondents considered herd immunity to be an important consideration for institutional policy.

22.   Freedom of choice for residents was considered important by almost all.

23.   What were originally considered as control areas far from anthropogenic metal release, showed high concentration of heavy metal due to natural orogenetic processes occurring along the Chilean coast.

24.   The respondents considered the most promising measure for the prevention of fractures in the elderly from falls to be fall prevention, followed by exercise and osteoporosis medications.

25.   In an earlier paper we considered the case¦Ç=K/r.

26.   Application of a noninvasive method of analyzing skin lipids was considered as a means of monitoring human exposure to organochlorine pesticides.

27.   Two hundred or one thousand unlinked loci with two alleles at initial frequencies of 1/2 were considered.

28.   7 were considered on the moderate Reynolds and Richardson number ranges 25 < Re ??

29.   No other indications of association structures was formed and the microemulsions should be considered as solutions with critical behavior.

30.   In addition, the stability of the HAP nanorod in the aqueous suspended solution was also considered.

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