11.   The perturbation considered takes into account the gravity attraction of the planet and in particular it is caused by its inhomogeneous potential.

12.   The theoretical fundamentals of the pH-metric determination of weak bases by titration with solutions of strong acids to a fixed pH value were considered.

13.   This organism was not considered to have been derived from the soil.

14.   The PA signal generated in the backing gas layer by the backing surface of the sample should be considered to understand the frequency dependence of the PA signal.

15.   Core structures of nontopological solitons between inequivalent vacua in superfluid3He-A are considered.

16.   The main cause of marrow signal decrease in SCD patients with transfusion therapy was considered to be iron deposition due to repeated transfusion therapy rather than red marrow hyperplasia.

17.   The middle layer was considered.

18.   Patients who reported menstrual cycle lengths >35 days were considered abnormal.

19.   92 of the 195 responders were considered anovulatory preoperatively, based on menstrual history.

20.   Use of SPME was considered as an alternative, to simplify sample treatment while maintaining the information level for the samples (e.g. the number of compounds detected) and quality of quantitation.

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