91.   Prophylactic anticoagulation should be considered for high risk patients.

92.   Significant coronary stenosis was considered present in the event of a luminal diameter reduction of >50% on use of the ¡°worst view method.??

93.   After detailed mapping of the faults and the evaluation of their future behavior based on geological criteria, a seismic displacement of up to 0.5?m along the fault line was considered possible.

94.   Such concerns should be considered in the selection of antihypertensive therapy.

95.   In addition, several metals and an intermetallic were considered as potential expansion agents.

96.   A possible substitution effect between leisure and both these groupings (commodities and financial assets) was also considered.

97.   Fifteen chemical-conformational variations of this basic active site complex were considered.

98.   Thirty patients were entered onto the study; 22 were considered evaluable.

99.   Since there have been reports based on work in Escherichia coli that the trp promoter and operator overlap, this possibility should be seriously considered.

100.   This complication was considered to be due to calcification of the platinumiridium electrode spurs.

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