81.   A problem of uniqueness for multiple Walsh series is considered.

82.   Properties of the magnetoelectric in the magnetic field directed perpendicular to the wave vector describing the spin helix are considered in detail.

83.   The restrictive component is considered key for short-term weight loss.

84.   The middle layer was considered.

85.   A fleet of independently operating systems and a single maintenance unit are considered.

86.   Patients who reported menstrual cycle lengths >35 days were considered abnormal.

87.   92 of the 195 responders were considered anovulatory preoperatively, based on menstrual history.

88.   The initial boundary-value problem for the Navier-Stokes equation describing the flow of a viscous, incompressible capillary fluid bounded only by a free surface is considered.

89.   Use of SPME was considered as an alternative, to simplify sample treatment while maintaining the information level for the samples (e.g. the number of compounds detected) and quality of quantitation.

90.   At present, MRI of the kidney is considered to be a problem-solving imaging modality that is complementary to CT and ultrasound.

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