71.   The non-Hermitian integrable models with q-bosons as the dynamical variables are considered.

72.   Finally, this difference is considered as supporting a proposed subspeciation of the European E. granulosus.

73.   The PA signal generated in the backing gas layer by the backing surface of the sample should be considered to understand the frequency dependence of the PA signal.

74.   Inability of M505 to complement Hz1 in tests with B6 skin grafting is considered as an evidence that the same gene was altered by both mutations.

75.   This work can, also, be considered as a necessary technical step towards the precise asymptotic analysis of the Stark resonances in the problem without a cut-off of the electrical field potential.

76.   Neospora caninum is considered a major cause of abortion in cattle.

77.   Modelling of the structure of powder materials with dense packing of nonspherical particles is considered.

78.   Simple discretizations are also considered.

79.   An attractive pairing interaction V, which may be mediated by the standard electron-phonon mechanism, is considered between nearest neighbor sites.

80.   The main cause of marrow signal decrease in SCD patients with transfusion therapy was considered to be iron deposition due to repeated transfusion therapy rather than red marrow hyperplasia.

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