31.   We consider particle transport in a spatially random medium, the transport governed by the traditional, linear, time- and space-dependent transport equation for ¡°host and guest.??

32.   In this paper we consider the discretised version of the (modified) wave equation (??

33.   In this paper, we consider indefinite Toeplitz matrices generated by 2¦Ð-periodic continuous functions with zeros of odd order.

34.   We consider quantum mechanics on this cellular space and we examine in particular an harmonic oscillator and a free particle on the cellularR 1,R 2 respectively.

35.   In this pepar we consider the upwind difference scheme of a kind of boundary value problems for nonlinear, second order, ordinary differential equations.

36.   This approach makes it possible to consider the quantum antiferromagnetic background without the spontaneous symmetry breaking and the unit cell doubling.

37.   The purpose of this paper is to consider the expected value of discounted penalty due at ruin in the Erlang(2) risk process under constant interest force.

38.   We consider Newton-like methods for the solution of quasilinear elliptic boundary value problems.

39.   Specifically we consider the dynamic mobility and the dynamic structure factor.

40.   In this paper, we consider solving matrix systems arising from the discretization of Wiener-Hopf equations by preconditioned conjugate gradient (PCG) methods.

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