21.   Anyone who doubts that Congress and the White House will embrace fiscal responsibility for the next decade should consider putting TIPS into their portfolios.

22.   Anyone who doubts the intimate connection between the eyes and the stomach should consider these observations.

23.   Anyone who has spent hours stacking pennies into paper rolls should consider the job that Massengale faces.

24.   Anyone who is naive enough to imagine that Bush will get a fair shake from the media should consider what happened during the primary season.

25.   Anyone who recorded an IQ of 70 or less before age 18 and had "significant limitations in adaptive functioning" would be considered retarded.

26.   Anyone who wants to be critical of Mack should first consider that."

27.   Despite the prevailing two-legged opinion, Jeep evidently considered himself quite handsome.

28.   Despite the reversal, Chisholm and others considered that her bid could have had a positive impact on future black women candidates.

29.   Described by colleagues as a moderate Republican, he was considered by the administration for a number of top level jobs.

30.   Dale Earnhardt Jr. considered such discussions, fanned early this week on racing Internet sites, to be "ridiculous."

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