91.   As a result, freshmen Republicans are considered particularly vulnerable.

92.   As a result, high levels of vinyl chloride found in these systems have so far not been considered to be a violation of federal drinking water limits.

93.   Dole more often than Clinton is considered to be someone who is honest and trustworthy (55 percent to 40 percent).

94.   Deeper questions of language and mind, including how young children can dope out their native language from the wash of adult talk surrounding them, were never considered.

95.   Deere and Alcoa are considered cyclical stocks, or those whose fortunes are tied closely to the health of the economy.

96.   Deere, a manufacturer of construction and agricultural equipment, is considered a cyclical stock, or one whose fortune is tied closely to the health of the economy.

97.   Dole had long been considered the front-runner in Connecticut, endorsed by Gov. John G. Rowland and almost all of the state's Republican leadership.

98.   Dole had long been considered the front-runner in this state, endorsed by Gov. John G. Rowland and almost all of the state's Republican leadership.

99.   Defending national champion Todd Eldredge is considered the favorite.

100.   Dole was considered by many supply-siders to be too zealous about balancing the budget and too quick to raise taxes to accomplish that goal.

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