21.   Interdisciplinarity, Old and New I do not consider the mere use of mathematics in any discipline an interdisciplinarian activity.

22.   Interest rates are still considered "low".

23.   Interestingly the word 'handicapped' is no longer considered politically correct in the UK either, but widely used in the USA?

24.   Interestingly, he doesn't consider it to be an especially bad thing, saying that it compares favourably to anarchy.

25.   Interestingly, the B5 vitamin is also considered to be helpful in reducing stress.

26.   Interestingly, Vitamin B5 is also considered to be helpful in reducing stress.

27.   Internal linking and making certain that a particular site is fully indexed is considered vital in any online internet marketing business.

28.   Internal vaccine manufacturing and distribution will also be considered by GeoVax.

29.   International fishing authorities are also considering banning shark fishing altogether in the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea.

30.   International travel is considered to be everywhere else that is.

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