61.   Instead you should consider a diet of raw, organic fruits and vegetables and cut down on your meat intake.

62.   Instead you should rather consider using the ethical and committed assistance of ClearDebt.

63.   Instead you will consider her feelings and you give honor to her by making decisions that reflect your sympathy and unity of mind.

64.   Instead, consider raising your thermostat four degrees if you leave for more than four hours.

65.   Instead, appraise headed for focus taking place how you consider for instance you activate behind weight.

66.   Instead, consider a businessman who might act out of fear of being replaced.

67.   Instead, consider all purchase offers which are presented.

68.   Instead, consider another person who simply wanted to escape poverty, but has never done anything and finally lost all hope of becoming rich.

69.   Instead, consider cancer part of the body, communicate with it by consciousness power, and eliminate the source leading to cancer in the first place.

70.   Instead, consider how you might use this experience to your advantage.

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