21.   Instead of dealing with this, consider purchasing your car parts and having the work done by someone else or doing it yourself.

22.   Instead of evaluating what products would be easy for you to sell to them ' consider what products your customers need.

23.   Instead of hotel reservations, consider snagging spots in yoga and cycling classes.

24.   Instead of just searching for extraterrestrial intelligence, the Benfords also considered messaging to extraterrestrial intelligences, or METI.

25.   Instead of labeling sexuality from homosexual or heterosexual, it asks people to consider a range of shades of gray in sexual orientation.

26.   Instead of looking at the opportunity and the earning benefits, you should consider the company more.

27.   Instead of pondering and wasting your time in approving a unusual finance scheme just consider the instant decision loans.

28.   Instead of purchasing the wine through your reception hall or caterer, consider purchasing wine wholesale.

29.   Instead of putting yourself into a difficult predicament because you can't pay for something by the time it is due, consider an online payday loan.

30.   Instead of receiving a pitiful amount for your old vehicle, consider the source the clash a tax deduction can make at the end of the day.

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