1.   All that being said, I am currently considering getting a beta reader for this story.

2.   All that being said, I have every hope that our Church will embrace the request to consider the Covenant.

3.   Instead all of them are considered to be proved by many people.

4.   Instead consider a measured approach to selecting a lawyer.

5.   Instead consider airport shuttle services.

6.   Instead consider sorting on the backend and not using the datagrid.

7.   Instead of 20 million dead, estimates were coming in around 14 million and while that was better it was not considered great by any means.

8.   Instead of a block, consider getting a magnetic strip that mounts on the wall.

9.   Instead of a long dress, consider a short prom dress which will show off your fabulous legs and shoes.

10.   Instead of adult cars, consider dropping this coverage, since coverage is normally restricted to the notes estimate of your car.

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