1.   Among other things, conservatives want vouchers, tax credits and medical savings accounts.

2.   A true conservative would not want to dumb down and tie down a new communications technology.

3.   A true conservative would not want to punish passive players such as access and service providers, but the wrongdoers themselves.

4.   A true conservative would want fewer government controls, not more.

5.   Christian conservatives want to return to a time when public schools worked, he said.

6.   Congress was to be forced by the Constitution to do what conservatives wanted but were powerless to achieve.

7.   Compassionate conservatives want a big tent but small government.

8.   Even as pro-GOP lobbying groups begin a major push to pass the Bush tax cut, some conservatives want more.

9.   Extreme conservatives want to eliminate the minimum wage, dismantle agencies that regulate job safety, throw out laws that combat pollution and revive sweatshops.

10.   Hard-line conservatives want a firm military commitment abroad and a crackdown on loose immigration and asylum policies at home.

n. + want >>共 751
people 6.41%
government 4.57%
company 3.72%
official 2.50%
group 1.94%
leader 1.46%
administration 1.41%
investor 1.24%
owner 1.21%
country 1.21%
conservative 0.17%
conservative + v. >>共 407
be 10.89%
say 6.78%
want 3.04%
have 2.72%
argue 1.58%
dominate 1.58%
feel 1.52%
oppose 1.52%
win 1.46%
try 1.20%
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