1.   Assemblywoman Carole Migden, D-San Francisco, said the governor did a good job with the consensus document.

2.   The Beijing Platform for Action is a consensus document agreed to by participating nations of the world, including the Vatican.

3.   They said the statement was a consensus document and without the approval of Russia, an explicit denial of aid to Serbia could not be included.

4.   Australia and Canada felt the original draft went too far but they agreed to the final consensus document, she said.

5.   For the first time in an international consensus document, forced marriage and so-called honor killings were addressed, with governments being urged to eradicate these human rights violations.

6.   And the final statement was presented as a consensus document of all the legislators and aboriginal representatives present.

7.   New Zealand officials involved in CHOGM say the communique is generally all things to all men, not a consensus document and often contains reservations and out-clauses.

8.   On Wednesday, new versions of both clauses and of the education clause were drawn up by the ANC and the NP and a consensus document emerged.

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consensus + n. >>共 122
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