1.   Indeed, Summers knows that a congressionally appointed commission will soon propose trimming fund missions along the lines he suggests.

2.   Its problems are partly the product of years of financial mismanagement, which a congressionally appointed board has been charged with straightening out.

3.   That was one of the questions addressed by the International Financial Institutions Advisory Commission, a congressionally appointed panel whose much-awaited report will be released Wednesday.

4.   The cruise missile battleship concept won strong approval last year from a congressionally appointed National Defense Panel organized to study long-term military modernization.

5.   But the recommendations are not as broad as those from a congressionally appointed advisory commission led by Allan Meltzer, an economics professor at Carnegie Mellon University.

6.   In that case, a congressionally appointed electoral commission considered competing electoral slates submitted from Florida and two other southern states.

7.   Shelby spoke as his committee considered recent recommendations by a congressionally appointed advisory panel on terrorism.

d. + appointed >>共 68
newly 52.42%
recently 9.01%
federally 5.77%
politically 2.54%
presidentially 2.31%
congressionally 1.62%
lavishly 1.62%
specially 1.39%
well 1.39%
internationally 1.15%
congressionally + a. >>共 16
mandated 35.06%
approved 16.88%
appointed 9.09%
chartered 7.79%
authorized 5.19%
imposed 5.19%
ordered 3.90%
sponsored 3.90%
designated 2.60%
funded 2.60%
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