1.   Although not widely known, the programming effort had been outlined by Gen. Barry R. McCaffrey, director of drug policy office, during a Congressional hearing last fall.

2.   Although the arrangement, which involved all the major networks, was not widely known, it was revealed by McCaffrey at a congressional hearing last October.

3.   Also, a congressional hearing into the bombing scheduled for today has been postponed until later in the month.

4.   American taxpayers do not need another congressional hearing on questionable behavior by employees of the Internal Revenue Service.

5.   Amid congressional hearings, Wall Street is scrambling to impose new rules to curb abuses.

6.   Amid sharp partisan exchanges at a congressional hearing, former White House officials flatly denied they had collected an enemies list.

7.   Among these funds were several questionable foreign donations to Democrats as well as Republicans, which promise to be the focus of new congressional hearings.

8.   And last month, the issue of a U.N. seat was addressed in a congressional hearing.

9.   And his concerns were echoed that day by governors and other officials at a congressional hearing on terrorism.

10.   And in a Congressional hearing in late June, the FAA, which is part of the Transportation Department, acknowledged that it had made mistakes while overseeing Valujet.

a. + hearing >>共 498
public 16.64%
congressional 8.94%
preliminary 7.82%
first 4.06%
disciplinary 2.56%
pretrial 2.45%
sentencing 2.43%
new 1.84%
fair 1.78%
brief 1.78%
congressional + n. >>共 468
leader 13.70%
approval 5.11%
committee 4.82%
hearing 4.33%
delegation 2.98%
district 2.72%
election 2.27%
candidate 2.22%
aide 2.19%
investigator 2.05%
每页显示:    共 545