1.   What sense does it make to put yet more freight onto already congested roads, when the rail network has capacity to spare?

2.   But that did not translate into congested roads and pressure on commuter buses.

3.   People would be charged for using highly congested roads and cleanliness and efficiency requirements would be introduced in MOTS.

4.   Mr Knapp estimated that the transfer of this amount of coal would add one million extra lorry movements to the already congested roads.

5.   Congested roads show up on the screen colored in red.

6.   He said many Silicon Valley companies were developing programs to cope with the congested roads in the area.

7.   On a congested road, two lanes of traffic may have the same average speed, although the actual speed of each car will vary over time.

8.   The Pacific Coast Highway is a fast moving, often congested road with limited parking.

9.   This year, California got an A for electronic commerce but still scored low for its corporate taxes, high cost of living and congested roads.

10.   Young drivers today face more congested roads and are more likely to come up against a minivan or a sport utility vehicle in an accident.

a. + road >>共 604
main 13.64%
major 3.83%
new 3.77%
back 2.29%
long 2.23%
narrow 1.96%
paved 1.89%
key 1.48%
only 1.33%
winding 1.25%
congested 0.17%
congested + n. >>共 95
area 11.71%
city 9.49%
street 8.54%
road 5.70%
highway 4.75%
airport 4.43%
traffic 4.43%
neighborhood 4.11%
capital 2.85%
part 2.22%
每页显示:    共 18