1.   Tutors learn to clarify their thinking, and tutees often experience cognitive conflict from being exposed to the views of peer tutors.

2.   At least for purposes of a state law that exempts Texas veterans of wars and conflicts from tuition and fees at state universities.

3.   Accepted U.N. and NATO forces to prevent Balkans conflict from spilling onto its soil.

4.   But Albright is also trying to hold together the widest possible international coalition, to prevent this conflict from appearing to be solely between the United States and Iraq.

5.   But Giuliani knows a thing or two about upstate-downstate conflicts from first-hand experience.

6.   But preventing civil conflicts from becoming regional conflagrations is in the interest of all nations, particularly states destabilized by nearby battles and massive refugee movements.

7.   He has mediated in countless conflicts from the Falklands War to the Gulf War.

8.   He was uninterested in a window display of dramatic but dated pictures of street conflict from that convention, so Ms. Lent kept her answer basic.

9.   I learned how to handle conflict from my dad.

10.   In his other works he has analyzed conflicts from the U.S. Civil War to World War II.

n. + from >>共 1445
pressure 1.27%
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official 1.10%
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people 0.87%
comment 0.84%
help 0.79%
call 0.72%
criticism 0.58%
conflict 0.02%
conflict + p. >>共 74
in 28.07%
between 22.27%
with 18.85%
over 6.09%
of 3.83%
on 2.20%
among 1.87%
from 1.54%
for 1.49%
within 1.42%
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