1.   And he said that the reconstruction of Yugoslavia after the conflict ends would be financed chiefly by European nations.

2.   Braun said he believed that Milosevic could see retaining control of the region as a way to reward supporters after the conflict ends, reinforcing his grip on power.

3.   They want to return to Kosovo if and when the conflict ends, even though they fear Serbian forces destroyed their homes.

4.   Planted in wartime, the weapons continue to kill and maim long after conflicts end.

5.   Powell did not insist Wednesday that conflict end before peace talks are reopened.

6.   Bardhyl said the KLA would only respond to an international call to negotiate if the conflict ends and the Serb military arsenal is removed from Kosovo.

7.   Ideas for helping end the conflict vary widely, and depend on which side is seen as the main cause.

8.   Lakhdar Brahimi earlier in the week appeared skeptical about a large role for the United Nations in the country after the current conflict ends.

9.   The embargo was lifted last year, after Milosevic helped end the conflict, but Yugoslavia was barred from rejoining the world organization and other international bodies.

10.   The future development of the area would be jeopardized if Milosevic was to stay in power, after the conflict ends.

n. + end >>共 815
year 6.14%
north 4.91%
season 3.80%
east 3.61%
split 2.77%
term 2.70%
stem 2.62%
west 2.62%
rookie 1.70%
bottom 1.39%
conflict 0.52%
conflict + n. >>共 137
resolution 28.16%
zone 15.15%
area 5.05%
prevention 5.05%
diamond 3.50%
situation 3.50%
management 2.72%
end 2.52%
program 0.97%
mediation 0.78%
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