1.   Give the confirmation number you got when you bought the ticket and ask to have documentation sent to you.

2.   At the airport, all that is needed is the confirmation number, photograph ID and credit card where necessary.

3.   Both are ticketless, taking reservations on the phone from agents or travelers, providing a confirmation number.

4.   A confirmation number no longer will suffice.

5.   A traveler is given a confirmation number when he books a flight, and that number is used to confirm boarding information at the airport.

6.   Airlines are also heavily marketing electronic ticketing, which gives travelers a confirmation number rather than a ticket and saves processing costs.

7.   I had my confirmation numbers.

8.   If the traveler loses the confirmation number, an agent can resurrect the record using the passenger name and credit-card number.

9.   If you want to order tickets on line, or get confirmation numbers for ticketless travel, you have to give a credit card number.

n. + number >>共 1062
phone 19.32%
telephone 12.97%
identification 3.68%
two 2.73%
poll 2.28%
world 1.98%
account 1.29%
production 1.18%
three 1.17%
issue 0.85%
confirmation 0.32%
confirmation + n. >>共 60
hearing 49.52%
process 14.58%
vote 10.45%
battle 4.54%
number 3.44%
fight 2.75%
debate 1.10%
proceeding 1.10%
ceremony 0.96%
class 0.96%
每页显示:    共 25