1.   Alioto said she could not provide a copy of the transcript because the court has not ruled on the confidentiality issue.

2.   But he declined to name any, citing confidentiality issues, and others at the new company declined to say whether any client had signed a contract.

3.   But other lawyers who have been researching the potentially explosive confidentiality issue for Florida say revealing names now would violate state and federal rules.

4.   Citing confidentiality issues, Gladney declined to discuss specific adoption cases.

5.   It is not, she said, always driven by confidentiality issues.

6.   School officials would not offer any details of the hearing, citing confidentiality issues.

7.   The league and its players are concerned about tests being expanded to other substances, as well as about confidentiality issues.

8.   The seminars can explain confidentiality issues about the disease, sensitivity concerns and can show how the human immunodeficiency virus, which causes AIDS, is transmitted.

9.   They will certainly face confidentiality issues with a new job, Cannon said.

10.   She said authorities were looking into other motives and past incidents with the school but declined to elaborate, citing confidentiality issues.

n. + issue >>共 946
security 5.68%
technology 4.38%
bond 2.96%
trade 2.95%
campaign 2.57%
health 1.90%
safety 1.89%
abortion 1.76%
policy 1.69%
tax 1.35%
confidentiality 0.06%
confidentiality + n. >>共 45
agreement 47.72%
law 12.65%
rule 10.79%
clause 5.73%
concern 2.36%
provision 2.19%
order 1.85%
issue 1.69%
restriction 1.52%
requirement 1.35%
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