1.   Conferences followed.

2.   The biannual international AIDS conference follows early next month in Barcelona.

3.   The conference follows months of White House planning, aides said.

4.   The conference followed the three-hour drill observed by aviation executives and two hours of briefings for them.

5.   The other conferences soon followed suit.

6.   A full peace conference eventually would follow.

7.   An international conference would then follow.

8.   If the talks in Ohio succeed, an international peace conference would follow in Paris.

9.   If the U.S. talks succeed, an international peace conference will follow in Paris.

10.   If they succeed, an international peace conference will follow in Paris.

n. + follow >>共 1522
move 2.43%
decision 1.62%
announcement 1.42%
company 1.20%
attack 1.19%
arrest 1.18%
meeting 0.99%
action 0.92%
stock 0.84%
police 0.81%
conference 0.16%
conference + v. >>共 461
be 19.20%
end 3.37%
take 3.09%
open 2.91%
have 2.84%
begin 2.38%
focus 1.88%
go 1.60%
agree 1.56%
aim 1.53%
follow 0.92%
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