1.   The conference will focus on the issue of population control.

2.   Following a day of medical research, the conference focused on educational practices.

3.   Although the conference will focus on romance writing, questions that should be of interest to writers of any genre will be addressed.

4.   Instead, the conference will focus on preparations for the WTO ministerial meeting in Singapore, she said.

5.   Previous conferences focused on malaria, AIDS, tuberculosis, yellow fever, mad cow disease and West Nile encephalitis.

6.   That conference focused on the subject of integrating the European Union with its defense organization, the Western European Union.

7.   The conference will focus on personal, workplace and family responsibilities.

8.   The conference focused on customer choice and other ways utilities might better serve their customers.

9.   The conference will focus on specific goals.

10.   The NAACP recently announced that its summer conferences will focus on identifying economic opportunities.

n. + focus >>共 1162
talk 4.73%
company 4.34%
investor 2.80%
attention 2.38%
meeting 2.01%
investigation 1.97%
discussion 1.81%
investigator 1.72%
government 1.43%
group 1.32%
conference 0.73%
conference + v. >>共 461
be 19.20%
end 3.37%
take 3.09%
open 2.91%
have 2.84%
begin 2.38%
focus 1.88%
go 1.60%
agree 1.56%
aim 1.53%
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