1.   Condor eggs hatch in about two months.

2.   In March, a biologist spotted a condor egg in a cave near the Grand Canyon in Arizona, but it was found to be cracked.

3.   The drilling plan included areas where biologists recently found wild condor eggs, said Spitler.

4.   The live condor egg has developmental problems and may not survive, Brooks said.

5.   Three other condor eggs have been laid in the wild.

n. + egg >>共 165
donor 7.06%
cow 5.41%
dinosaur 4.94%
ostrich 4.71%
quail 4.47%
turtle 4.47%
fish 4.00%
whisk 3.53%
mouse 2.59%
bird 2.59%
condor 1.18%
condor + n. >>共 18
egg 17.86%
chick 14.29%
program 14.29%
antics 3.57%
biologist 3.57%
colony 3.57%
comeback 3.57%
family 3.57%
money 3.57%
nest 3.57%
每页显示:    共 5