1.   As an example, liberals note that the church does not condone slavery, even though it exists in the Bible.

2.   By their logic, a culture that condones slavery is just different, not worse, than a culture that outlaws it.

3.   He noted that the Bible condones slavery and condemns the lending of money with interest.

4.   In addition, the largely Islamic country is accused of condoning slavery and of conducting a harsh campaign of repression against Christians.

5.   The Episcopal Church, and others, once condoned slavery.

v. + slavery >>共 102
abolish 13.14%
end 6.78%
condemn 3.81%
escape 3.81%
justify 3.39%
outlaw 3.39%
have 2.54%
discuss 2.12%
condone 2.12%
defend 2.12%
condone + n. >>共 160
violence 11.35%
use 4.59%
attack 4.05%
behavior 3.51%
abuse 3.24%
action 3.24%
practice 3.24%
corruption 2.70%
killing 2.70%
homosexuality 2.16%
slavery 1.35%
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