1.   There, illegal immigration contributes to a labour surplus that is depressing farm wages and making working conditions worse.

2.   The regime seemed to be moving in the direction not so much of freeing the serfs as of turning a blind eye to them or making their condition worse.

3.   Driving conditions were made worse by smoke from a burning lorry.

4.   He says the worry of homelessness has made his condition worse.

5.   In distancing himself, Canberrans say, the prime minister may be making conditions worse.

6.   Ironically, the end of Communist controls on speech and behavior has made Gypsy conditions worse.

7.   Only Buchanan has focused on those worries, but his solutions are so wacky they are virtually certain to make economic conditions worse.

8.   Replacing the missing tears by bathing the eyes frequently with artificial tears is the most common approach, but it can ultimately make the condition worse.

9.   Some made her condition worse.

10.   Sunday, the umpires insisted the grounds crew add sand, which made conditions worse.

n. + worse >>共 171
matter 43.93%
thing 17.15%
situation 10.85%
problem 6.98%
condition 1.52%
life 0.68%
look 0.61%
crisis 0.53%
plight 0.38%
loss 0.38%
condition + a. >>共 89
difficult 14.36%
worse 10.26%
treacherous 3.59%
dry 2.56%
dangerous 2.56%
better 2.56%
ripe 2.56%
stable 2.56%
unacceptable 2.56%
hazardous 2.05%
每页显示:    共 20