1.   If they do this now, they will still be subject to the pre-existing conditions clause.

2.   Reform-related news stories often highlighted the hardship caused by pre-existing condition clauses.

3.   The companies dropping the pre-existing conditions clause have not raised their prices, but all have set one condition and sometimes more.

4.   The Commercial Union Insurance Co. in Boston is among those that have dropped the pre-existing conditions clause.

5.   The major requirement for waiving the pre-existing conditions clause is that the insurance be bought within one day of the first deposit for a trip.

n. + clause >>共 285
no-trade 16.30%
exclusion 4.55%
arbitration 3.19%
confidentiality 3.10%
buyout 2.73%
opt-out 2.55%
reserve 2.46%
incentive 2.28%
exemption 2.09%
gag 1.82%
condition 0.46%
condition + n. >>共 138
change 6.22%
report 5.81%
set 4.98%
warrant 4.98%
rating 4.56%
precedent 4.15%
face 2.07%
anonymity 2.07%
clause 2.07%
problem 2.07%
每页显示:    共 5