1.   Elmer stands Magic on the concrete pad and rubs his legs.

2.   At launch, a series of ducts and fans built into the concrete pad are supposed to vent gaseous oxygen, hydrogen and water safely away from the vehicle.

3.   After demolition, all that remained was a concrete pad and a back retaining wall, both of which would be integrated into a new building.

4.   The first option, the lawyers concluded, was that contractors could pour a concrete pad without violating the treaty.

5.   The gulf war was like crushing eggs on a concrete pad with a sledgehammer.

6.   The landscape is dotted with the small concrete pads and a chain- link fencing that indicates there are an underground nuclear missile silos below.

7.   The lawyers believe it does not violate the terms because the concrete pads could be used for several purposes.

8.   They gathered around a concrete pad, where a narrow barn made of gleaming silver metal recently had been built.

9.   These are thick concrete pads surrounded by razor wire and motion detectors, where enormous steel canisters loaded with spent fuel sit for the indefinite future.

10.   This is a series of concrete pads with retractable corrugated steel roofs that can be left open to the sun and closed when it rains.

a. + pad >>共 237
full 6.97%
landing 5.31%
heating 2.99%
right 2.82%
left 2.82%
concrete 2.49%
small 2.49%
abrasive 2.16%
key 2.16%
scouring 1.99%
concrete + n. >>共 878
wall 4.74%
floor 4.72%
block 4.54%
slab 4.35%
step 4.05%
action 3.00%
barrier 2.67%
evidence 2.67%
proposal 2.65%
result 2.41%
pad 0.28%
每页显示:    共 15