1.   Developed for concert pianists suffering from nerves.

2.   Her sister Martine, who was a concert pianist, had a coming-out party at the Plaza.

3.   She had long, slender expressive hands, like a concert pianist.

4.   She was studying to become a concert pianist.

5.   The concert pianist did exactly the opposite.

6.   The programme reveals that the actor was a notable pianist and once considered becoming a concert pianist.

7.   The young concert pianist had spent fewer hours reaching concert standard than he had spent achieving a mediocre amateur level.

8.   The man was a visiting Texan who was in Britain as manager of a fellow countryman, a concert pianist.

9.   Although both were substantial musicians, they tended to be musical polymaths rather than simply concert pianists.

n. + pianist >>共 29
concert 70.08%
rehearsal 5.51%
session 1.57%
student 1.57%
woman 1.57%
world 1.57%
band 0.79%
bebop 0.79%
boogie-woogie 0.79%
bravura 0.79%
concert + n. >>共 271
hall 21.04%
tour 8.41%
pianist 5.16%
promoter 4.35%
stage 4.06%
ticket 3.71%
series 2.96%
performance 2.03%
venue 2.03%
date 1.91%
每页显示:    共 88