1.   ARGENTINE shares posted their largest one-day gain this year as concerns waned that neighboring Brazil may devalue its currency.

2.   As Italian political concerns waned, the lira rallied against the mark, hauling other European currencies up with it.

3.   Banks recovered earlier losses as concern waned the U.S. Federal Reserve may be forced to drive interest rates higher.

4.   But after nothing materialized, the concern waned.

5.   Colombian stocks rose as concern waned about the possibility of regional economic instability.

6.   Concern was waning that selling in Asia could spread to other emerging markets, including Greece, analysts said.

7.   Gold, which is often perceived as a hedge against inflation, fell as concern waned that inflation in the U.S. may be accelerating.

8.   Shares of Chase, Citicorp and other banks rose along with other U.S. stocks as concern waned about rising interest rates.

9.   Shares of insurers General Re Corp. and Aetna Inc. rose as concerns waned that the Federal Reserve will raise interest rates in May for a second time this year.

10.   That helped the dollar as concern waned that lower rates would drive some overseas investors to seek countries with stronger currencies, analysts said.

n. + wane >>共 210
interest 9.11%
influence 6.07%
popularity 5.88%
demand 5.31%
enthusiasm 3.80%
support 3.42%
confidence 2.66%
concern 2.28%
optimism 2.09%
power 2.09%
concern + v. >>共 508
be 59.83%
grow 2.43%
remain 1.54%
prompt 1.04%
mount 1.01%
arise 0.73%
have 0.71%
include 0.65%
hurt 0.63%
seem 0.60%
wane 0.18%
每页显示:    共 12