1.   Many older Israelis fret that in the post-Zionist era an identifiable Israeli art, even if it is the confrontational conceptual work of the multimedia artists, will disappear.

2.   The artist himself describes the installation as a conceptual work inspired by the sayings of a Chinese philosopher of the third century B.C.

3.   The Energy Department says design and conceptual work for the new pit manufacturing facility, which would reprocess plutonium from old pits, is getting under way.

4.   The title comes from a poem by Yoko Ono, whose conceptual work is a star attraction in this informative show.

5.   The Authority said it would negotiate a contract with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for similar conceptual work on the Atlantic side.

a. + work >>共 1214
hard 12.26%
new 3.27%
good 2.15%
best 1.26%
volunteer 1.16%
extra 1.08%
part-time 1.06%
legal 1.00%
real 0.88%
detective 0.88%
conceptual 0.03%
conceptual + n. >>共 158
framework 7.63%
approach 3.05%
problem 2.67%
stage 2.67%
leap 2.29%
thinking 2.29%
work 1.91%
model 1.91%
flaw 1.53%
difficulty 1.53%
每页显示:    共 5