1.   Ironically, a formal process of strategic planning often does more to inhibit than to enhance innovative conceptual thinking ....

2.   Conceptual thinking is often the most demanding kind of mental activity.

3.   Measuring quality will require a lot of deep conceptual thinking, not just better data.

4.   Most reforms suggest adding something to the curriculum more attempts to teach conceptual thinking, say, or skills in estimation.

5.   The idea of placing domestic fixtures in unlikely contexts or embodying conceptual thinking in furniture is not new.

6.   The plan reflects bold conceptual thinking on a grand scale.

a. + thinking >>共 467
positive 5.46%
new 5.13%
critical 3.96%
creative 3.51%
strategic 3.38%
quick 2.66%
current 2.47%
conventional 1.62%
fresh 1.36%
independent 1.30%
conceptual 0.39%
conceptual + n. >>共 158
framework 7.63%
approach 3.05%
problem 2.67%
stage 2.67%
leap 2.29%
thinking 2.29%
work 1.91%
model 1.91%
flaw 1.53%
difficulty 1.53%
每页显示:    共 6