1.   The basic conceptual flaw, according to Anglo-Saxon politicians, lay in its anachronistic assumptions.

2.   Its omission of female artists is, of course, a major conceptual flaw, and its consideration of homoeroticism is still much in need of refinement.

3.   The result, inevitably, has ups and downs, peaks and dead spots and some major conceptual flaws.

4.   Though not deeply versed in the subject, I suspect that the demographic method may contain a fundamental conceptual flaw.

a. + flaw >>共 238
serious 7.53%
major 6.22%
fatal 6.11%
fundamental 4.80%
genetic 4.04%
technical 3.17%
minor 3.06%
only 2.84%
structural 2.18%
basic 1.64%
conceptual 0.44%
conceptual + n. >>共 158
framework 7.63%
approach 3.05%
problem 2.67%
stage 2.67%
leap 2.29%
thinking 2.29%
work 1.91%
model 1.91%
flaw 1.53%
difficulty 1.53%
每页显示:    共 4