1.   Computers scan the pictures, subtracting known galactic light, to detect the appearance of any new light source, a possible supernova.

2.   Computers then scanned the microfilm to make note of which boxes had been checked on the forms.

3.   Fraud has been a growing concern as sophisticated photocopying, computer scanning and laser printing equipment makes it easier to reproduce conventional checks.

4.   For those with even more limited ability, computers scan the alphabet or other choices on a monitor until a person clicks on one.

5.   Many counties will use paper ballots scanned by computers at voting places that can give voters a second chance if their choices fail to register.

6.   The computer scans her virtual cards and notifies her when she is a real winner.

7.   The device, in use for three years now, makes a computer scan of the tip of each index finger of every person arrested by the INS.

8.   The test booklets are lined up and are ready to be scanned by computer.

9.   Computers will scan the faces of travelers and others who pass through checkpoints, and compare them with the facial features of suspected terrorists in a law enforcement database.

n. + scan >>共 154
eye 6.90%
camera 4.39%
machine 3.13%
computer 2.82%
program 2.51%
bone 2.19%
trader 2.19%
customer 1.88%
police 1.88%
worker 1.88%
computer + v. >>共 789
be 20.81%
have 4.31%
do 2.63%
make 2.19%
use 2.08%
become 1.90%
come 1.63%
work 1.63%
go 1.45%
run 1.41%
scan 0.18%
每页显示:    共 9