1.   Most transactions are processed by computer at our Head Office.

2.   Newer computers can process data much more quickly.

3.   The computers process the satellite data to turn them into useful information.

4.   The information from the survey is being processed by computer.

5.   The images that the Landsat MSS and TM instruments provide are digital or numerical in nature, and can therefore be processed by computer.

6.   Barely a second passes before the inquisitive eyes suggest that an internal computer is processing the question.

7.   A bit is the smallest amount of information a computer can process, either a zero or a one.

8.   A DNA computer processes each step comparatively slowly, but it can do its leisurely work on billions of sites at once in a cell or test tube.

9.   Currently, computers process information in a rigid procedure of logic that cannot make guesses or assumptions about vague, inexact problems.

10.   For the first time, maintenance requests are being processed by computer.

n. + process >>共 208
peace 9.49%
computer 4.64%
food 3.53%
plant 3.09%
authority 2.65%
system 2.43%
company 2.21%
brain 1.99%
bank 1.77%
body 1.77%
computer + v. >>共 789
be 20.81%
have 4.31%
do 2.63%
make 2.19%
use 2.08%
become 1.90%
come 1.63%
work 1.63%
go 1.45%
run 1.41%
process 0.43%
每页显示:    共 21