1.   Although advertising sales cover its costs, the site is primarily a hobby for Stewart M. Clamen, a computer science instructor at Rowan University in Glassboro, N.J.

2.   Beginning this summer, computer science instructors will rely less on homework to determine whether a student is learning the subject matter.

3.   Donald G. Weiser, a computer instructor in Pisgah Forest, N.C., received the e-mail message after writing the firm to complain over its decision to hire Clinton.

4.   He is a computer instructor at Eastern.

5.   His son, then a computer instructor in Canada, joined his father.

6.   Some, like the computer instructor in Texas, had little to lose.

7.   Students are taught at the school by a staff teacher, usually a computer science instructor.

8.   The part-time computer instructor has been hired full time.

9.   The son of a computer expert, he worked his way through community college as an assistant computer instructor.

10.   Undermined by his writing failures, J.D. crumbles when he is downsized from a modestly satisfying job as a computer instructor.

n. + instructor >>共 180
flight 16.05%
ski 11.11%
dance 4.78%
fitness 3.70%
aerobics 3.24%
yoga 2.93%
golf 2.93%
police 2.62%
computer 2.01%
college 1.54%
computer + n. >>共 594
system 6.96%
network 5.12%
maker 3.78%
user 3.65%
screen 3.49%
company 3.20%
program 3.14%
industry 2.62%
software 2.36%
game 2.35%
instructor 0.05%
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