1.   Negotiators had worked all through the night to formulate a compromise text that also assails discrimination against ethnic minorities, refugees, women, indigenous peoples and others.

2.   A compromise text drawn up by conference chairman Johann Molander of Sweden will be on the table in Geneva.

3.   Diplomats said the compromise text is less than the Palestinians wanted, but they expressed hope that they would ultimately agree to it.

4.   He said he would cut off talks and send delegations home with the best compromise text possible.

5.   Most of the countries had accepted the compromise text put forward by Toth.

6.   Negotiators said several compromise texts surfaced Sunday that would be presented to the main players on both sides.

7.   Most of the countries accepted the compromise text put forward by Toth.

8.   Negotiators now hope the two proposed compromise texts can create momentum for a last drive to get the wording of the treaty completed by the June target.

9.   Several delegations, anxious to salvage the meeting, worked on a compromise text.

10.   Several delegations, anxious to salvage the meeting, continued to work on a compromise text.

n. + text >>共 158
draft 15.74%
wall 9.14%
compromise 5.84%
treaty 5.84%
history 4.06%
computer 3.55%
speech 2.79%
advance 2.54%
science 1.78%
college 1.27%
compromise + n. >>共 140
bill 12.37%
proposal 9.60%
plan 7.93%
candidate 6.64%
deal 5.73%
solution 5.41%
agreement 5.09%
version 4.77%
measure 3.80%
formula 2.64%
text 1.48%
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