1.   The gonococcus has to adapt to any changes in its environment, particularly those which May compromise its chances of survival.

2.   As blessed as Martin-Floreal feels, the pregnancy was unexpected, and it compromises her chances of medaling in the Atlanta Games.

3.   Actually, the man threw a handful of dirt that missed Artax and hit Greenspring Willie, compromising his chances.

4.   But waiting out the remaining seven months of a pregnancy before needed cancer surgery would almost certainly have compromised her chance of survival, doctors said.

5.   He had often downgraded the triple toe to a double, repeatedly compromising his chances after the short program.

6.   His erratic behavior compromised his chances in races in Florida earlier this year and led to a decision not to run him in the Kentucky Derby.

7.   In crowded Derbys past, unlucky favorites have been pin-balled, compromising their chances.

8.   Its chances were compromised on Friday by the expulsion for a harsh tackle of the midfielder Ronaldinho.

9.   Miller competed in bars at St. Louis, but was reluctant to do more for fear of reinjuring the shin and compromising her chances to compete here.

10.   The most important factor was that her running style will not compromise the chances of Timber Country, who closes.

v. + chance >>共 319
have 43.68%
take 9.29%
get 5.32%
miss 2.74%
increase 2.59%
give 2.40%
stand 1.87%
reduce 1.73%
improve 1.73%
offer 1.48%
compromise 0.08%
compromise + n. >>共 310
security 7.25%
safety 6.12%
investigation 3.74%
integrity 2.83%
principle 2.72%
independence 2.49%
ability 2.15%
quality 1.93%
chance 1.59%
sovereignty 1.47%
每页显示:    共 14