1.   I know that competitions are often won by compromise candidates, the pianists everyone on the jury can agree upon.

2.   Blix had been mentioned weeks ago as a possible compromise candidate, but faded from the competition.

3.   A compromise candidate?

4.   A compromise candidate from Spain, Javier Solana, then got the NATO job.

5.   A respected Muslim scholar, Nurcholis Madjid, could emerge as a compromise candidate.

6.   Brophy, in an attempt to find a compromise candidate, reportedly tried to win support for UC-Davis Chancellor Lawrence Vanderhoef.

7.   Brown said Republicans can end his record tenure as speaker if they are willing to negotiate with him about compromise Democratic candidates.

8.   But some political observers envision scenarios in which Gingrich either announces that he will run or puts himself forward as a compromise candidate in a divided convention.

9.   Byrd also urged Clinton to drop the Lee nomination and find a compromise candidate for the job.

10.   Communist leader Gennady Zyuganov said Friday that his party would continue to oppose Chernomyrdin and seek an alternative compromise candidate for prime minister.

n. + candidate >>共 626
opposition 21.24%
third-party 4.35%
job 3.35%
compromise 3.32%
minority 2.68%
year 2.48%
woman 2.22%
election 1.97%
write-in 1.64%
drug 1.39%
compromise + n. >>共 140
bill 12.37%
proposal 9.60%
plan 7.93%
candidate 6.64%
deal 5.73%
solution 5.41%
agreement 5.09%
version 4.77%
measure 3.80%
formula 2.64%
每页显示:    共 102