1.   After completing college with a degree in philosophy, Knipfel enrolls in graduate school at the University of Minnesota, where he teaches an introduction to humanities course.

2.   He later would brag about having completed college in three years, when, in fact, he failed to complete college at all.

3.   It finds that children whose parents completed college are more than three times as likely to become college graduates themselves than children whose parents did not complete high school.

4.   McGovern became the first in the family to complete college, graduating from Suffolk University.

5.   Most had completed college, and about half said they were Roman Catholics.

6.   Ms. Thompson said she plans to complete college.

7.   Neither parent had completed college and both want their children to have that experience.

8.   Most had not completed college, and about half said they were Roman Catholics.

9.   My dad was one of only two members of his family to complete college.

10.   Now most orders are not interested in accepting women until they have completed college or spent several years in the work world.

v. + college >>共 272
attend 31.29%
finish 5.73%
leave 5.59%
enter 4.70%
start 3.54%
skip 3.54%
choose 2.04%
begin 1.57%
complete 1.50%
bypass 1.36%
complete + n. >>共 756
work 4.48%
investigation 3.90%
deal 3.87%
transaction 2.38%
acquisition 2.12%
project 2.07%
merger 1.90%
study 1.86%
sale 1.85%
purchase 1.58%
college 0.16%
每页显示:    共 22