1.   In theory, more competition means lower prices for consumers.

2.   In addition, competition may mean that we are unable to recoup our initial investment even if we win the contract.

3.   But in the future, the competition may mean making enemies of the other flexible friends.

4.   Fierce competition meant officials had to re-write the record books after the final event yesterday afternoon.

5.   And most analysts believe competition will mean slim profit margins, leaving little money for chasing customers.

6.   But some in the industry worry that competition could mean less money for cable broadcasts of city council meetings, high school football games and other local events.

7.   Competition means some equipment makers are paying more attention to performing the tests themselves and to developing less-expensive machines.

8.   Competition will probably mean lower prices for registering a domain.

9.   Competition means pursuing the biggest possible audience, which means catering to the lowest common denominator.

n. + mean >>共 1384
decision 1.81%
change 1.50%
result 1.44%
ruling 1.30%
move 1.19%
word 1.08%
victory 0.98%
game 0.96%
name 0.85%
number 0.84%
competition 0.43%
competition + v. >>共 458
be 36.82%
begin 3.71%
come 2.40%
force 1.97%
continue 1.82%
get 1.57%
start 1.46%
heat_up 1.41%
increase 1.36%
mean 1.34%
每页显示:    共 53