1.   Before you can truly succeed as a compassionate capitalist, you need to answer that question honestly.

2.   But Juanita Avalard was also a compassionate capitalist because she gave Isabel a way to help herself.

3.   Compassionate capitalists know that all this talk of love is humbug and poppycock when people are hungry, homeless, and unhappy.

4.   So what is a compassionate capitalist to think?

5.   The compassionate capitalist sees herself as a business entrepreneur and a social entrepreneur at the same time.

6.   There are successful compassionate capitalists who have come out of very different ideologies.

7.   They have taught me by their example what it means to be a compassionate capitalist.

8.   Who are the truly compassionate capitalists that you know?

a. + capitalist >>共 102
compassionate 5.26%
foreign 3.29%
western 3.29%
budding 2.63%
heartless 2.63%
new 2.63%
american 1.97%
greedy 1.97%
successful 1.97%
transnational 1.97%
compassionate + n. >>共 139
conservatism 22.81%
conservative 7.69%
ground 6.37%
man 3.18%
capitalism 2.39%
capitalist 2.12%
side 2.12%
government 1.86%
use 1.86%
person 1.33%
每页显示:    共 8