1.   Compare the cost in your Market area of the different sizes of eggs available.

2.   Unit pricing is a system that permits the customer to compare the costs of products.

3.   In the general case manufacturing costs are high compared with those of other functions so the function has a massive influence on company productivity.

4.   Recycling plastic bags is economically viable, according to a study by Nottingham University Consultants which compared the cost of recycling with making them from scratch.

5.   Well they can also compare our costs with other authorities if they were so interested.

6.   And the demand for these properties may be cooling, brokers say, as some companies compare the cost of taxes and maintenance with the flexibility of renting.

7.   And while these analyses come in assorted shapes and flavors, virtually all provide enough information to compare estimated costs with benefits.

8.   Because the single currency makes all costs easier to compare, countries with higher taxes are likely to lose business.

9.   Benefits consultants, who compare costs in various industries, agree.

10.   Bouw says the airline has proposed making an independent study with the union to compare costs of KLM pilots with those at other airlines.

v. + cost >>共 418
cut 16.02%
reduce 10.52%
cover 5.79%
raise 4.94%
lower 4.28%
increase 3.38%
pay 3.02%
control 1.97%
share 1.53%
keep_down 1.43%
compare 0.27%
compare + n. >>共 1190
note 5.62%
price 3.75%
result 2.43%
situation 1.59%
rate 1.56%
number 1.32%
cost 1.23%
performance 1.14%
datum 0.81%
group 0.78%
每页显示:    共 41