1.   A comparative analysis of course documents made the extent and systematic nature of the changes quite evident.

2.   Cases are those countries that feature in the comparative analysis.

3.   Comparative analysis can then increase our confidence regarding what we know about the political world.

4.   Comparative analysis suggests that there has been a considerable amount of divergence of evolution in the cortices of different mammalian lines.

5.   Nevertheless an independent review emerged with a comparative analysis of a complex field.

6.   The former agent did a comparative analysis of the manifesto and five pages of letters and essays authored by Theodore.

7.   Their comparative analysis tests the linear and non-linear forms of the relationship between income inequality and political violence.

8.   This makes any comparative analysis of data recorded at different times or using different aggregation units problematical.

9.   Thus detailed comparative analysis of different religions is possible.

a. + analysis >>共 726
final 5.25%
statistical 4.06%
detailed 3.34%
further 2.69%
new 2.41%
economic 2.31%
genetic 2.03%
chemical 1.75%
careful 1.66%
scientific 1.59%
comparative 0.69%
comparative + n. >>共 225
figure 10.40%
study 6.93%
advantage 6.66%
literature 5.55%
datum 4.02%
religion 3.61%
analysis 3.05%
safety 2.36%
cost 2.08%
politics 1.80%
每页显示:    共 22