1.   Analogously, computerised text recognition needs to use higher level knowledge to achieve comparable levels of performance.

2.   Both Ms. Molinari and the EPA have said that the Fresh Kills landfill spews out air pollution at levels comparable to a large industrial plant.

3.   He buttressed his point by juxtaposing photographs of the markings with impressions taken from the clothes, at comparable levels of magnification.

4.   He said that Tidewater hopes to use its new muscle to boost international fees to comparable levels within three years.

5.   Heard at the Lincoln Theatre in Miami Beach, the New World Symphony played on a level comparable with the Kansas City Symphony.

6.   In the beginning, blood tests revealed that all of the students had comparable levels of T-cells and natural killer cell activity.

7.   Its multiple has now fallen back to a level comparable to FPAs.

8.   Preki performed on a level comparable to the best in indoor history, rivaling those of Zungul, Veee and Stan Stamenkovic.

9.   Some states, particularly in the Midwest, perform at a level comparable to that of the best performing nations, including South Korea and Taiwan.

10.   That means the rate is less than one-two hundredth the comparable level in the United States.

a. + level >>共 586
high 10.25%
highest 6.88%
lowest 4.21%
low 4.18%
higher 4.15%
record 2.99%
current 2.92%
lower 2.79%
new 2.19%
same 2.15%
comparable 0.08%
comparable + n. >>共 648
figure 3.75%
size 2.25%
company 1.43%
number 1.29%
result 1.29%
period 1.23%
level 1.23%
rate 1.09%
group 1.02%
job 1.02%
每页显示:    共 18