1.   Those privy to sensitive information about mergers or acquisitions of companies worth millions or billions of pounds must not abuse that privilege.

2.   Also, any company worth its cyber-salt will have great Internet access.

3.   Any American company worth its salt nowadays has a chief information officer with all the boardroom clout of a chief financial officer.

4.   But it is a way to help evaluate otherwise attractive companies, or even to make a short list of companies worth further research.

5.   For the past year, however, stock prices of portals have soared, creating companies worth billions of dollars.

6.   He holds stock options in the company worth billions.

7.   How much is the company worth now?

8.   In the last three years, he has sold or spun off companies worth billions of dollars, several of which have proved very successful in their new lives.

9.   In the long run, the Spanish economy is an interesting proposition for investors, with some good companies worth putting money into.

10.   No advisory company worth its salt has yet agreed to the ultimate fee arrangement -- based on performance.

n. + worth >>共 588
dollar 20.35%
net 3.80%
contract 3.12%
pound 2.44%
stock 2.38%
deal 1.98%
project 1.19%
company 1.02%
asset 1.02%
property 0.96%
company + p. >>共 92
in 24.03%
with 12.65%
like 8.63%
for 6.76%
from 6.56%
of 5.89%
such_as 5.70%
to 4.43%
on 3.47%
as 3.28%
worth 0.07%
每页显示:    共 18