1.   An investor can keep sending in money to buy more shares, but some companies limit the purchases.

2.   As part of the settlement, the companies will limit their advertising and fund efforts to curtail teenage smoking.

3.   But in Manhattan, the company is limiting itself to the relatively narrow business of providing so-called alternative access services between business customers and long-distance carriers.

4.   By pinpointing the outbreak to a single lot, the company limited the scope of the national recall to only three days of beef production, the indictment says.

5.   Chairman and Chief Executive Gerald Levin said last week that the company will limit capital spending and bring in outside investors for projects like motion pictures.

6.   Companies can limit their vacation liability by capping the number of vacation days employees can bank.

7.   DHL can keep up with the current volume increase, but the company is limiting its domestic service to DHL customers that also use UPS.

8.   However, they are calling on the company to limit the use of outside firms and to provide other assurances about future employment at Boeing.

9.   If your company has limited cash, Horan recommends other types of recognition as inexpensive as a catered lunch, specially printed T-shirts or plain old praise.

10.   In China, foreign companies must limit their involvement even further, by owning stakes in joint ventures that provide services to locally owned network operators.

n. + limit >>共 792
law 6.60%
government 4.35%
rule 2.95%
bill 2.67%
state 1.64%
injury 1.56%
company 1.52%
constitution 1.19%
term 1.19%
measure 1.15%
company + v. >>共 706
say 10.43%
be 8.93%
have 5.81%
make 2.11%
plan 1.80%
announce 1.17%
use 1.16%
offer 1.13%
sell 1.08%
try 0.97%
limit 0.03%
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