1.   Asking yourself some prudent questions can help determine whether rekindling an old romance will lead you into one of three most common traps.

2.   A more common trap holds beavers underwater and kills them by drowning.

3.   Doing too much is a very common trap.

4.   It is a common trap that snags some investors, particularly the individual investor not used to scanning balance sheets and prospectus filings, analysts say.

5.   The most common traps are the spring trap, glue trap and catch trap.

6.   The pressure to produce more is a common trap for telecommuters, says Roberta Fox, a management consultant with Deloitte and Touche.

7.   This mindset can prevent termination from coming as a surprise, keep executives from falling into three common traps and even turn being fired into an advantage.

a. + trap >>共 200
offside 10.50%
same 8.35%
double 2.63%
sticky 2.63%
political 2.39%
fly 2.39%
animal 2.15%
humane 1.91%
such 1.67%
common 1.67%
common + n. >>共 911
currency 3.44%
practice 3.14%
border 2.46%
problem 2.20%
cause 2.10%
criminal 1.77%
interest 1.72%
thread 1.54%
form 1.51%
share 1.34%
trap 0.05%
每页显示:    共 7